Kenyan coffee is renowned for its exceptional quality, with a distinct flavor profile characterized by bright acidity, full
body, and complex flavors. It showcases vibrant fruity notes like blackcurrant, red currant, and citrus, along with floral
and wine-like undertones. The coffee is primarily grown in high-altitude regions with volcanic soils, ample rainfall, and
cool temperatures. Kenyan coffee is processed through meticulous wet-processing methods to enhance flavor clarity.
Marketing and sales follow an auction system, ensuring transparency and fair pricing. Quality control measures are
enforced by the Coffee Research Institute and the Kenya Coffee Board. Kenyan coffee holds a prominent status in
the specialty coffee industry, receiving recognition in international competitions and attracting coffee enthusiasts and
specialty roasters worldwide.

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Kenya AA


This is the top-grade for Kenyan coffee. AA beans are the largest and most sought after, with minimal defects.

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Kenya AB


The AB grade represents beans that are slightly smaller than AA but still of high quality. They may have a few
more defects compared to AA.

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Kenya C


The C grade includes smaller beans and a higher number of defects compared to the AA, AB, and PB grades. Cgrade beans are typically used for commercial blends or lower-quality coffee

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Kenya PB


PB stands for Peaberry, which refers to a specific bean formation where only one bean develops inside the
cherry instead of two. Peaberry beans are smaller and rounder in shape, often associated with concentrated flavors.

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